The 24th March 2004 saw the world heritage radio site of the Mark and Lard show come to an end with a resounding: ‘STOP…….’!

Now fully twenty years later we can finally complete that catchphrase with an equally resounding: ‘…….CARRY ON’!

Like the day Neil Armstrong stepped on to the moon (if you were born then, if not, skip this bit)  or when Alan Bradley got run over by a Blackpool tram on Coronation Street (ditto) – everybody can remember where they were on that fateful day in Radio 1 history. Listening to the radio. Obviously.

Now, following high level negotiations after a chance meeting between Fat Harry White and Scoff Cruddle at a Bedford Rascal Enthusiasts rally, Mark and Marc have been coaxed back to wrestle once again on the sheepskin rug of light entertainment.

Following the success of 2 sell out shows in Manchester ‘CARRY ON – AN EVENING WITH MARK AND LARD’ is going on tour! The same – sex Krankies of the airwaves will reveal what went on behind the scenes of what Dave Bowie (of the Dave Bowie band) called: ‘THE show’!

The twenty year break in silence will  also be complimented by an array of various items of tat….sorry – various items of merchandise being made available  which can  be accessed using the link on this page.

See you all soon.

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